즐겨찾기 스레드
2020/01/15 13:06:13 ID : nXunCo1AZip
릴레이 (아마) 이어쓸거면 영어로 영어없이 의견 보태주기 가능 제한 없음
2020/01/15 13:07:01 ID : nXunCo1AZip
do you know story of fairy tales? little mermaid red riding hood snow white any of those stuffs
2020/01/15 13:07:44 ID : nXunCo1AZip
let's talk about the truths in those tales
2020/01/15 13:28:17 ID : TO5TSJSNyY5
Hush. That's so childish! Why don't you talk about a anecdote between you and your boyfriend?
2020/01/15 13:48:05 ID : UY3wqY79ck7
Sry, I don't speak English haha lol
2020/01/15 20:36:53 ID : Fclcq2MmIE2
I've been a solo for a long time,.. So I have no anecdote about b.f or g.f.. Instead, I'll talk about the truths of fairy tale in place of my love story.. All you know that Snow White's story.. But there are horrifying behinds.. .. ... Ah! What.. What time is it?! I have to go right now..!;; will tell the story instead of me.. Then!! See you later!!
2020/01/15 20:42:19 ID : K0oK0mk9vBh
Okay bye...
2020/01/16 03:48:58 ID : GnBbu3yFeFe
Lol what kinds of truths? I’m so curious about it
2020/01/16 13:47:21 ID : nXunCo1AZip
I don't really know, but I heard that red riding hood loved the wolf!
2020/01/16 13:47:41 ID : 9hdVcGrgmIL
kor plz ;)
2020/01/16 14:25:13 ID : vhgo2NutxXB
But the wolf ate her granny, so she killed the wolf with a hunter. She made a choice between her lover and her family. And she chose her family. Killing the wolf, she desperately cried, and the wolf silently smiled. Only fool hunter was happy that time.
2020/01/17 12:30:08 ID : nXunCo1AZip
such a tragic story. It's like Romeo and Juliet!
2020/01/17 23:30:48 ID : 3vdu4HBe6o7
You want to hear these stories in more detail? will tell this story in detail!

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